


I have been a teaching assistant for the following courses:

I have also been a teaching assistant for the Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems (PUMPS) summer school in Barcelona since 2014.

I have also mentored undergraduates and a high school student, who is a co-author on two papers.

During the Mavis fellowship, I administered the ECE 408 GPU programming project in spring 2018. I created

I also created a set of resources on using Nvidia's Nsight Compute and Nsight Systems performance profiling tools, including a 75 minute recorded lecture. See the Github repository to get started.


LTE (01465), Sandia National Laboratories

Postdoctoral Appointee (01465), Sandia National Laboratories

Treasurer, University YMCA

Research Intern, IBM

Research Intern for Optimized CLOUD Systems, IBM

Research Intern, MulticoreWare, Inc.

Research Intern, MulticoreWare, Inc.

Co-op Engineer Floating-Point RTL, AMD

Co-op Engineer Floating-Point RTL, AMD


University Laboratory High School Alumni Association Board of Directors

University YMCA Board of Directors

Amnesty International Board of Directors